Reset Your Routines

A {free} hands-on workshop

January 9th at 1:00 PM EST

Want to get back to basics in the new year? I'm teaching my proven framework for creating routines that make your days feel less stressful.


{This is a LIVE, hands-on workshop where you'll create a new routine or update an existing one and start implementing the same day.}

This Workshop is for you if...

  • You feel stuck. The way you've always done things is no longer working but you haven't had the time or energy to figure out a new way.
  • You want routines that you can count on. You're always winging it and the inconsistency is starting to wear on you and your kids.
  • You want days that run more smoothly. But you're not even sure where to start. It seems like everyone else has it all figured out.
  • You're exhausted from all of the daily decisions you make. The mental gymnastics that goes along with winging it has you tired.
  • You want to spend less time thinking about meal-planning or bedtime schedules and more time focusing on your projects, your goals, or your self-care.

Join me for this free workshop where you'll learn the process of creating or changing a routine that'll make your life easier. And then how to make sure that it sticks!


In this workshop, you'll:

  • Bring the part of your day that's no longer working so that you have a real-life case study to work through and apply everything you learn.
  • Learn my framework for evaluating and deciding what specifically needs to change or be created when it comes to a routine so that it'll stick.
  • Use the workbook to outline your exact next steps and a plan of action so there's nothing left to figure out. All you have to do is follow the plan.
  • Get real-time feedback and coaching from me so you can make any necessary tweaks before implementing on your own.
  • Take this process and apply it over and over again to any other parts of your week that are stagnant or no longer working for you so your life can just get easier and easier!

I used to get frustrated when routines I had worked so hard to create no longer worked...

I thought that if I took the time to really evaluate the problem and come up with a solution, it should serve me for a long time. But with kids and the ever-changing needs of our family, that was totally unrealistic.

I don't get frustrated with my kids for needing to change out their clothes when they outgrow a certain size. So why was I frustrated with my routines when I would outgrow them?

Life changes. Kids change. Schedules change. Needs change. It only makes sense that our routines change too.

So I started experimenting. I asked myself, "what parts of my day are no longer working?" Or "what feels hard?" The first answer was clear - meal planning. I zeroed in on the problem and realized that the way we had done things with 1 kid no longer worked with 3 kids. So I experimented over the coming weeks and finally landed on something that worked. And I'll follow that routine until it no longer feels easy.

And instead of being frustrated when something is no longer working, I see it as an invitation to make things even better. I go back through my framework, identify the hang-up, brainstorm solutions, and experiment until I find a new way that works for now.

Best of all, I have routines that I don't have to think about. I have days that feel easy and natural and supportive and everyone knows what to expect. I have space for the things I want to be focusing on. And when life stops feeling this way, I have an invitation to review and tweak.

If you want that too, I want you to join me for Reset Your Routines.

I'll Be There

Katelyn Denning is a life coach and the founder of Mother Nurture. 

She helps busy, working moms take control of their time so that they can feel less overwhelmed and more relaxed, be more present with their kids, and get back to doing more of the things that they LOVE.

Her work has been featured on Motherly, Forge, and PsychCentral and she has appeared on podcasts such as Soul Work for Moms and Influential Motherhood

Having been a career-driven professional for the better part of a decade before becoming a mom, Katelyn struggled with finding her identity and juggling it all when she returned to work after her first maternity leave. Today, she is a full-time working mom of 3 young kids. She helps her clients decide how they want to be spending their time, prioritize the most important things and let go of the rest, and then build a plan to own their time and enjoy their days.

"You are the only one who can give your kids a happy mom who loves life!"