The Working Mom's Ultimate Guide to


My tried and true process for organizing
work and life tasks so you can be more
efficient and less overwhelmed.

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This is more than a guide. It's accountability!

Get the Guide

This proven process will save you time and energy, reduce decision fatigue, and make prioritizing easier and faster.
It's the key to getting things done without the overwhelm!

"Even in just the first week of implementing these steps, I’ve had SUCH a transformation! I don’t feel so scattered. I’m more intentional and focused, and less overwhelmed.“

- Nichole Thomas

Complete the workbook in 1 hour to...   

  • Get your life organized! No more searching for things that you jotted down on a Post-it note or emailed to yourself. Those straggling notes will now have a home and you'll know where everything is!
  • Create a process that's realistic for making progress on that never-ending to-do list AND the bigger picture things you want to do.
  • Feel more relaxed. No more forgetting tasks or letting things slip through the cracks. You have things under control.

I finally got my to-do list out of my head so I could see all areas of my life at once. It helped me see what items were most important to tackle while still being aware of everything else. From there I’ve been able to look at my week and understand what I need to make time for.”

- Allison Kayuha

I'm Katelyn...

I help busy, working moms manage the responsibilities of parenting, work, and life in a way that allows them to slow down and be more present with what's in front of them.

I believe that an organized to-do list is powerful and that it can help you make the most of your days, but that life is lived outside of your list.

I was a career-driven professional for the better part of a decade before becoming a mom. I struggled with finding my identity and juggling it all when I returned to work after my first maternity leave. Along the way, I figured out how to love all parts of my life and today, I'm a full-time working mom of 3 young kids with time for hobbies, date nights, and spontaneous joy.

I want to help create a world where working moms don't feel guilty for having ambition, goals, and a career because they have space for all the other things too. I want working moms to love their FULL lives. To truly appreciate and enjoy everything they're working so hard to create but to do it in a way that doesn't cost them their health, well-being, and happiness.

My guiding thought these days is a reminder that:

"You're the only one who can give your kids a happy mom who loves life!"